Paternity Leave and Extending Workers' Rights
I recognise the crucial benefits that paternity leave and pay provides for both parents and children, and I appreciate the important points that have arisen from debates.
I can say with certainty that I am committed to supporting working families. Unfortunately, it is clear that the current parental leave system does not do this. That is why I welcome the Labour Government’s commitment to review this system and to listen to workers and employers on how to deliver change.
It is crucial that we strengthen parental leave so that we provide the best possible support for working parents. I further welcome that this review is just part of an ambitious agenda to overhaul workers’ rights and make work pay, including by ensuring there is more flexibility and security for working families.
This includes making paternity leave and parental leave day one rights, as part of the new Employment Rights Bill that I am backing as it makes its way through Parliament.
It also includes making flexible working the default, to ensure more flexible working requests are agreed. We must support workers by helping them continue to work, whilst balancing the essential responsibilities of their wider life, including looking after children.
I know the Government is currently in the early planning stages for the review of the parental leave system and is actively considering the parameters and process for delivering this change. I will continue to monitor any developments on this issue and look forward to following the progress the Government makes on delivering the review.