Peter Dowd

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Fur Free Britain

Last week Peter was one of more than 100 cross party MPs to write to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to seek his support of a UK ban on the import and sale of animal fur.

This outdated and unnecessary trade should have no place in the UK’s fashion industry.

According to Humane Society International, more than 100 million animals suffer and are killed for the global fur trade every year. Animals are treated terribly in the fur trade: farmed animals are kept in small cages for their entire lives and wild animals are caught using cruel leg-hold traps.

Peter is proud that the UK was the first country to ban fur farming two decades ago. However, although many retailers now refuse to stock real fur, fur from other species can still legally be imported and sold in the UK. Consumers may also be misled into buying real fur, believing it to be fake.

The UK Government should go further and ban the importation and sale of fur all together.