The Summer Reading Challenge

Many children have struggled with their reading during the pandemic, so ensuring that children keep up their reading this summer is more important than ever. That’s why the Summer Reading Challenge is important – it encourages children to read, while keeping it fun. With exclusive incentives to collect and plenty of brilliant books to enjoy, the Challenge is the perfect summer activity to build young readers’ skills and confidence during the long break from school.

For this year’s Summer Reading Challenge, The Reading Agency – who run the Challenge – have partnered with the Science Museum Group to create ‘Gadgeteers’, inspiring children to use their curiosity and creativity to discover the science behind the everyday, and celebrate the role of the imagination in both reading and the sciences. The Gadgeteers are planning an EPIC summer party! Through reading books and collecting rewards, Challenge participants will help the Gadgeteers use their special skills to get everything ready. Over the summer term, the Science Museum Group will be offering opportunities and resources for UK public libraries and primary schools to engage with the theme of this year’s Summer Reading Challenge and to spark children’s imaginations. Additional resources for schools and libraries can be found on The Reading Agency’s website here:

The Summer Reading Challenge is the perfect summer activity to build young readers’ skills and confidence during the long break from school. The Challenge is available in libraries across the UK this summer. Children can also take part online through the official digital platform,

Peter Dowd