Peter Dowd MP Shows The Love to get on Track to Net Zero Emissions

Peter wore the green heart Parliament as part of The Climate Coalition's ‘Show The Love’ campaign which celebrates things that could be lost without efforts to tackle climate change – from beaches to bees and cricket to coffee.

A report released last week from the Coalition warned that a population the size of Birmingham and Manchester combined face significant flood risk. It comes at a time when we have just seen flooding caused by storm Ciara, and the report points out that climate change has made extreme rainfall in the UK ‘40% more likely’.

The Climate Coalition is made up of more than 140 organisations representing more than 22 million people, ranging from aid agencies such as CAFOD and Christian Aid to groups such as the Women’s Institute, WWF, RSPB, and the National Trust.

Peter said: “We can clearly see the impacts of climate change on our doorsteps – and we must put policies in place to get on track to reaching our legally binding net zero target. The recent major flooding across the country with the highest number of recorded flood alerts simply shows that sustained, robust action to deal with the climate emergency is a must not an optional extra.”

“I’m proud to be wearing my green heart and supporting policies that make our country fit for the future, and being cleaner and greener to end our contribution to climate change. I want to be part of leaving a legacy for future generations that we can all be proud of.”

Last year the UK was the first major economy to set a net zero emissions target, committing to ending our contribution to climate change within a generation. However, we are massively off track to meeting that target and need policies across the piece, such as boosting public transport and active travel, putting homes on track to net zero, expanding renewable generation, and restoring and revitalising our natural landscapes. 

Clara Goldsmith, Director of Campaigns at The Climate Coalition, said: “In the past year we've seen the impacts of climate change right on our doorstep. We saw record-breaking temperatures in February and a heatwave in July, torrential downpours causing flash flooding, and iconic landscapes like Saddleworth Moor burning.

This year we’ve also seen concern about climate change reach an all-time high as people from all corners of the country used their voices to call for more urgent action.

A future where the UK no longer contributes to climate change is within reach. We can clean up the air we breathe. We can have warmer homes powered by cleaner, cheaper energy. We can restore our green spaces and make it easier for Brits to live in a cleaner, greener world that future generations can enjoy.”

To create a future where the things we love are protected from climate change, we need to see action today. The solutions to the climate crisis are at our fingertips, we just need to get on with it.”

To find out what’s happening up and down the country, visit or search #ShowTheLove on social media and join the nation’s biggest climate change conversation.

Peter Dowd