Student Nurses

Thank you for contacting me about support for student nurses during and beyond the coronavirus emergency. Our health service is facing an unprecedented challenge and I am immensely grateful for the extraordinary efforts of staff who are putting their lives at risk to protect and care for others.

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Peter Dowd
Creative Industries and Covid19 Support

Thank you for contacting me about income protection for the buildings, businesses, self-employed and freelancers in the creative industries in response to coronavirus. I appreciate your concerns and sympathise with the desperate situation facing many in the arts, entertainment and media industries. The creative industries are one of the UK’s greatest success stories. However, they are also among those hit hardest by the impact of coronavirus.

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Peter Dowd

Thank you for your email about zoos not being able to re-open and their financial difficulties.

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Peter Dowd
Impact of Coronavirus on Renters

Thank you for contacting me about the impact of coronavirus on renters. This pandemic is placing unprecedented demands on household finances with social distancing measures closing entire sectors of the economy.

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Peter Dowd